Nanomechanics Research

We are designing and building 3D nanostructures, using processing techniques for standard semiconductor materials (silicon & GaAs) and others (glass & plastic).

Simple mechanical resonator: We have machined a simple mechanical resonator; 20 nanometers wide, 70 nanometers high, and 700 nanometers long. The decrease in size yields a mechanical operating frequency of up to several GHz. This nano-resonator can be applied as an integrated sensor. If these devices are cooled to below 100 mK, they achieve a number-state, and will behave as true quantum mechanical objects.

Mechanical Electron Shuttle: This device can be operated as a switch to transfer single electrons at radio frequencies. We are studying the quantum limits of displacement detection.

Suspended Quantum Dot: Using the suspended quantum dot, which acts as a very sensitive bolometer, we are able to study the interaction of low dimensional electronic and phonon systems.